Tenancy Management
Services Fee = 5% of monthly rental amount
The tenancy management services of Capital One Real Estate cover everything relating to an owner's investment in a property. These services are designed to maximise an investor's return and minimise the risk, with the security of professional management. Ours services comprise of:
Lease Agreement
Ensured that your lease agreement is in your best interest and tailored to your property.
Tenant Vetting
Ascertain the suitability of a tenant and obtain qualified references.
Handover of Premises
check and record the condition of the property and its furniture and fittings before the tenant moves in and after they leave, and ensure that the cost of all damages are borne by the tenant, and all outstanding utility bills area cleared. We also inspect each property periodically to ensure that it is being maintained in good condition.
Repairs and Maintenance
We arrange for any internal repairs that are necessary to be carried out and charge the cost to the tenant or landlord.
Rent Collection
We arrange for timely payment of rents due to the landlord.
Refund of Deposit
We recommend the amount of the deposit to be refunded after deduction of repairs.
Tenant control
We ensure that tenants comply with the terms of their agreement.
Tenant Liaison and Public Relations
We provide a point of contact and deal with any complications promptly.